
By UnkleBus
If you had to squeeze between the table, chair, myself and the wall at starbucks, half stooped over the power plug, hand extended holding just a few inches away your notebook's power brick ready to plug in, wouldn't you say excuse me first?

but wait...

IF you had to squeeze between the table, chair, myself and the wall at starbucks, half stooped over the power plug, hand extended holding just a few inches away your notebook's power brick ready to plug in, is it really necessary then to ask me if I want to use the power plug?

No there's more

IFFFFFF you had to squeeze between the table, chair, myself and the wall at starbucks, half stooped over the power plug, hand extended holding just a few inches away your notebook's power brick ready to plug in, and managed to, is it really be necessary to hum out of tune your favorite song?

I came here for some peace of mind.

Ahhhh... Starbucks... pissed off mind


first a loud talking china dude.

now a loud talking indon lady.
