Closing the Chapter

By UnkleBus
I feel the end of an era approaching. It's been a great many months but too much of a good thing will turn bad so it’s best to quit while you’re ahead. The past year has been incredible and I’ve seen so much change, made so many friends and explored the limits repeatedly. But it has to end and something else will come about… perhaps its time to follow the leader and settle down eh? Haha

It’s good to go out with a bang as the year end has been pretty much been planned out, starting with this weekend’s Kent Beach Party at PD, then my Oktoberfest birthday, Perry & Elle’s wedding in Nov, ZoukOut in December and one final big-ass bash to usher in 2007. Let’s see if Darby is available then, it’s the perfect place to witness the fireworks too.

Speaking of which, I remember last year’s ZoukOut as the most incredible event I’ve been to aside from MOS in London’s south side for the Millenium, but that was B.D. Now is A.D. What was most memorable was the rain at 4AM in the morning. It drove the crowd crazy and we danced till the sun came up. I remember that the music lulled and so did the winds, when it picked up again it poured. The sand was wet and cold, the air so fresh!

Now that I look at it, this year end is going to be fucking awesome! :)

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